Once you have manifested your orders, and your rates have been calculated within your OBA account, the price of your manifest will be displayed within Click & Drop.
Please note that due to the way that rates are calculated, and discounts are applied, it is only possible to display the price after you manifest, and not before.
To view your manifests, hover your mouse over the 'Orders' tab, and then from the drop-down menu, click 'Manifests'.
You will be directed to the 'Manifest history' page, where all of your manifests are displayed. You can see three example manifests below. Each manifest comprises several columns:
Here you can view all your manifests and their details, such as the price paid for a given manifest, the status of manifests, the number of orders in a manifest and more.
You can configure the columns you would like displayed on the data grid by clicking the Columns icon at the top right of the grid.
The 'OBA order #' is the Sales order number you will see on your OBA account invoices.
The Price for each manifest is your 'End of day' price for all the orders in your manifest after any volume related discounts, or pricing plan alterations have been added.
The price displayed is how much your OBA account will be charged for the post you have sent.
Manifest Number: each manifest in Click & Drop is numbered for easy access.
OBA order no.: This is the corresponding sales order number in your OBA account.
Please note that a manifest consisting only of tracked services will not display an OBA sales order number. This is because tracked services are billed once the mail is scanned for the first time into the Royal Mail network.
Status: manifests can be in status 'Complete', or 'Failed'.
Manifest date: The date the manifest was created. This date does always equal the date of posting.
# Orders: How many orders (and batches) are contained in the manifest.
Manifested by: This is the user who manifested the orders. If the manifest was produced by the end of day auto manifest, the default user's name will be displayed.
Price: The gross cost of the manifest, as you will see in your OBA invoices. You also can hover your mouse over the blue information symbol to display the net price.
Available actions: Suggested actions appear underneath the manifest number. You can use these to process manifests quickly. For all available actions, click on the three dot menu.
You can also use the checkboxes to select multiple manifests and perform the suggested action or an action from the dropdown on all manifests selected.
Failed Manifests
On occasion, the manifesting process may fail. Manifests that have failed can be identified by the red 'Failed'. As shown in the screenshot below, you can 'Re-generate' any failed manifests:
Tracked Services
Please note that the price will not include any tracked items in the manifest. Tracked services are 'Bill on Scan', which means you will not be billed for your tracked services until the mail is scanned for the first time into the Royal Mail network. Tracked services create a different Sales Order number in your OBA account.