How to print automatically with Click & Drop Desktop (Auto Print)

What is Click & Drop Desktop?

Click & Drop Desktop is an optional application for Click & Drop that provides two separate features. You can choose to use either one of these options, or both:

  1. Automatically Import orders into Click & Drop by dropping a spreadsheet into a dedicated folder on a local or networked computer or machine
  2. Auto Print - Automatically send labels generated by Click & Drop to a configured printer without having to manually print them

If you choose to use both options together, orders imported via the Desktop app can be sent to printers automatically. You must have a Click & Drop Online Business Account (OBA) for this functionality to work.

This help guide covers Auto Print - our feature for printing labels automatically. if you want to learn more about importing orders - help and instructions can be found here: How to import orders with Click & Drop Desktop

Important note: Some level of technical knowledge is required to import orders and produce labels by this Click & Drop Desktop app, particularly if you use the app alongside your own existing company systems and networks. 

Do you need help with printing labels? Please see our specific troubleshooting guide: Troubleshooting Auto Print

What is Auto Print?

Auto Print is a feature of the Click & Drop Desktop app that allows you to print your labels without having to download the .PDF file first. It has replaced the previous Royal Mail Print Assist app.

What does Auto Print Do?

If you install Click & Drop Desktop and connect your printers, your labels will print automatically every time you generate a label through the Click & Drop website.

If you import your orders via Click & Drop Desktop, Auto Print can automatically send data to your printers without you needing to choose to generate a label from the Click & Drop website.

Minimum system requirements

In order to use Click & Drop Desktop, you must use a computer or device running either:

  • Microsoft Windows 10 64 bit or above
  • macOS 10.10 or above
  • You must have permissions to install and run apps

How To Enable Auto Print

To start printing labels automatically, you must install the Click & Drop Desktop application on the computer or device you are using to access Click & Drop, and enable Auto Print for every user on your account that you wish to have access to it.  

First, click the 'Print Assist' settings that can be accessed from any page within Click & Drop - highlighted in the screenshot below:


A separate pop up window will open. Check the 'Enable Auto Print' box.


If you don't already have the Click & Drop Desktop app installed, box, you will be presented with links to download and install the app. 

You can also click "Test Auto Print connections" to check that the app is working properly. cnd_03.png

If the download link is not visible, you can follow one of the below download links:

Click and Drop Desktop client for Windows

Click and Drop Desktop client for Mac

Please note that Click & Drop Desktop will not work properly on unsupported operated systems versions like Windows XP, 7 or 8.1. We strongly recommend upgrading your system.

When the app is downloaded, the installation wizard will appear. Please read and accept the licensing agreement, and follow the on-screen instructions to finish the installation.

After you have installed the app, you will need to log in using your Click & Drop account email and password (the same details that you use to log in to Click & Drop on a browser).


Auto print should now show as connected to your Click & Drop account.



How to set up your printers

You can open the Auto Print configuration window at any time by clicking the printer icon from the top of any page within Click & Drop.



Using the drop-down boxes, you will need to associate each printer type to the printers you have connected to your computer or device. You can do so by selecting the correct printer from the list.

The document types in order from left to right are: label, despatch note, CN22 customs form, CN23 customs form.

  • CN22 documents are generated for international destinations for orders worth less than £270. CN22 documents can be printed in 6x4 or A4 formats.
  • CN23 documents are generated for international destinations for orders worth £270 or greater. CN23 documents can currently only be printed in A4 format.

If the printer you are looking for does not appear in the list, please ensure the printer is switched on and properly connected to the machine you are using and have Click & Drop Desktop installed.

To disable Auto Print click the icon again and un-check the 'Enable auto print' box again at any time.

Printing history & Connected printers

In order to see printing history, open "Auto Print" tab in your Click & Drop Desktop application. You can also review all printers available on the workstation the client is installed.


I am having difficulty with my Auto Print connection

If your Auto Print connection is not correctly working, please try the following:

  • In order for the Auto Print icon showing without warnings, your printers must be switched on and correctly connected to your computer or device
  • Certain antivirus software and popup blockers can affect the installation process. If you are unable to view the installation pop up windows, you may need to temporarily disable this software until the installation is complete
  • Some printers may incorrectly display that a document is still in 'printing' status in the print queue, even when then document has been printed successfully. You may need to remove the job from the queue in order to continue printing labels
  • If you need to whitelist URLs or IP addresses in order for apps to work correctly within your network, firewall, or security settings, you can find them here. IP addresses and URLs for security settings