Click & Drop's new orders grid offers enhanced usability and performance, with new functionality to improve the efficiency of your operations.


New Functionality

With the introduction of the new Orders grid, there is new functionality available to help make order processing simpler, and your operations more efficient.



The orders grid now supports tabbed opening of orders. When selecting an order, a new tab will open in the Orders interface. If you wish for the tabs to remain open whilst you navigate between them, please click the pin icon in the tab or, using the three-dot menu immediately to the right of your tab, you can select pin all. Tabs allow you to quickly navigate between multiple orders of interest without returning to the main orders grid. 



Clone Manifested Orders

You can now clone orders that have been manifested to speed up your processing of repeat orders.

  1. Go to 'Manifested orders' and select the order(s) you would like to clone.
  2. Using the quick actions' menu at the top of the grid, select 'Clone'
  3. Return to the 'Open orders' screen, where you will find the cloned orders in the 'Postage applied' state.


Quick Action Buttons

We have added buttons for common actions to make order processing more efficient. Single-click access to 'Import orders' and 'Manifests' allows you to navigate around Click & Drop quickly, and makes the platform more intuitive for new users. 


Each order now provides a quick action link to the next logical step of processing. A 'New' order, for example, will have a quick action link to 'Apply Postage' as shown below:



Product Images

You can now choose if product images are displayed on the orders grid to help you with processing shipments. If product images are available, we can provide additional product lines where the order contains several order lines. 


Flexibility and Scrolling

In our previous Orders Grid, as you added further columns, the grid would contract to accommodate the new columns; each column would get progressively smaller. 

With the new Orders Grid, we have introduced column resizing, allowing you to expand or contract any column as suits your needs and the data within it. Furthermore, you can now scroll horizontally, allowing you to easily see all your order data regardless of the number of columns you set to display. Note: If using a mouse, pressing SHIFT and using the scroll wheel will scroll horizontally.


Consolidated Columns / More Information Visible

  • We have consolidated the 'Postcode', 'Country', and 'Customer Email', columns into the 'Customer' column.
  • 'Service code' is now shown inside the 'Shipping service' column.
  • 'Weight' is now found in the 'Packaging format' column.
  • All the key dates relating to an order, such as, 'Created', 'Despatched', and 'Manifested', are now shown in a single 'Date' column
  • The previously distinct 'Tracking Number', and 'Tracking Status', columns have been merged into a single 'Tracking' column. 
  • The previously distinct 'Channel', and 'Reference', columns have been consolidated into a single, 'Channel, and Reference', column.
  • 'Total' has been renamed to 'Order Value'.
  • 'Store postage method' and 'Store postage cost' have been consolidated into a single column, 'Store shipping service'. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I clear all filters quickly?

You can clear all filters applied by clicking the funnel symbol in the top right of the data grid. Please note, this symbol only displays when filters are applied, providing an easy visible reference as to if filters are applied or not. 

How do I change which columns are visible?

Click on the 'Column' button shown in the screenshot below:



This will open the column customisation panel:

You can reorder the columns by dragging the list item up and down the list using the 6 blue dots to the left of the column name. 

You can display or hide columns by using the checkbox to the left of the column name.


How do I apply filters, or sort my orders?

To apply filters or sort to a given column, simply click the column header. You will be presented with a comprehensive set of filters and sorting options appropriate to the specific Order properties contained in the column.


How do I filter by Country?

The Country an order is destined for is now contained in the 'Customer' column. To filter based on country, or any of the other properties now consolidated into the 'Customer' column (please see Consolidated Columns above), simply click the column header