Can I generate labels with non-standard characters?

If you do not have an OBA account associated with your Click & Drop account then you cannot currently generate labels with non-Latin characters. This is due to the printers at customer service points not supporting non-Latin characters.


If you do have an OBA account associated with your Click & Drop account then Click & Drop is compatible with all standard characters. This means you can process orders from a variety of non-Latin alphabets, including but not limited to contain Latin characters with diacritical marks, Chinese, Arabic, Cyrillic, Japanese, Urdu, and Hindi characters.

Names not in standard Latin characters will also be printed on labels.



  • Certain printers may not be compatible with certain characters. If you are unsure, we recommend performing a test print first before printing your Click & Drop labels. Zebra label printers are able to print all characters supported by Click & Drop. 
  • Names and addresses may be printed without standard Latin characters for international orders, but you must ensure the destination country is printed in English.