Trading names represent the information about your company or account that is visible to your customers/recipients of your mail in the following ways:

  • an identifying name for your store
  • an address where your business (or part of your business) operates from
  • a return address, so customers can return damaged or unwanted goods
  • customer service contact information (this is optional)
  • additional information for customs documents
  • any details shown in tracking/delivery notifications (if applicable)

Click & Drop requires you to set one or more trading names. This can be the brand under which you operate, or just your own name and address. 

You are free to create as many trading names as you like. Every integration you create within Click & Drop must have one of your trading names associated with it.

To begin, click the 'Settings' link from any page within Click & Drop, and then click the 'Trading names' tile. 


Your trading name(s) will be displayed here. By default, these will be the address details you added when you first created your account.


To add a new trading name, click the blue 'Add a new trading name' button. 

To edit an existing trading name, click the row, and it will expand to show more details:


Trading name & address settings

Trading name: This name is a short reference used within Click & Drop to refer to this trading name. Examples might be 'Main Office' or 'Warehouse 1'.

Trading address: Select the company address to be associated with this trading name. You can add or edit these details in Settings > Company Address. 

Return address: Select the company address that will be displayed as this trading name's return address on all relevant paperwork. You can add or edit these details in Settings > Company Address. 

Customer service contact details

Phone number: If included, this number will display on any despatch notes that are created. 

Email address: If included, this email address will display on any despatch notes that are created. 

Website address: If included, this email address will display on any despatch notes that are created. 
Customs information

Customs information

Full name: Please enter a correct full name of a responsible individual at this trading name. This name will be displayed as 'Sender' on relevant customs documentation (CN22 and CN23) for international orders, and will not appear on standard domestic labels.

Company EORI number: If you post items within the European Union (EU),  EU Customs authorities require EORI Numbers for all UK Exports. You will need to register with HMRC in order to obtain an EORI number. Please refer to the UK Government website for registration details. Once you have obtained an EORI number, please provide it in this field.

VAT number: If you are VAT registered, and you post items internationally, please provide your 'Senders VAT Number' in this field.

Pre-registration tax schemes: If you have a Pre-registration tax scheme identifier for countries or regions you post to, you can select the relevant country from the drop-down list and complete the field with your pre-registration identifier for the associated tax regime. You can repeat this process for each regime you are registered for.  If you have multiple trading names, you must repeat this for each trading name. This includes IOSS.

Despatch note and label images

Please note that all trading name and address data is mandatory; customer service contact details are optional.

For more information on custom images, please see this guide: How to add custom images

When you have finished making your changes, click the 'Save' or 'Update' button in the bottom right-hand corner of the page.