Click and Drop's new Batches page comes with an updated design and improvements in performance and usability.
An example of the current grid:
While the basic functionality of the Batches page remains largely unchanged, there are some visible layout differences on the new version of the grid, as shown below:
Changes in how to trigger certain actions are further detailed below.
Quick action buttons
To make processing batches more efficient, all actions available for a batch are now listed in one place. When hovering over the batch number of the batch that you are wanting to perform actions on, you should be able to see and click on the suggested next action.
Click the three dots on the right side of the box to reveal all other available actions.
Multiple batches can be selected using the checkboxes on the grid. When selecting either the suggested action or an action from the dropdown, it will be performed on all of the selected batches, enabling the quick processing of a large number of orders. Please note that the available actions will be limited to those that can be performed on all selected batches based on their current statuses.
The Batches grid now supports tabbed opening of batches. When selecting a batch, a new tab will open in the Batches interface. If you wish for the tabs to remain open whilst you navigate between them, please click the pin icon in the tab or, using the three-dot menu immediately to the right of your tab, you can pin or unpin all open tabs.
Tabs allow you to quickly navigate between multiple batches of interest without returning to the main batches grid.
Changes to grid columns
The Available actions and Labels and documents columns from the old grid have been removed as the actions from those columns are now available in the quick actions menu.
The Despatch date and Generation date columns from the old grid have been merged into one Date column which displays both dates.
Old Batches grid:
New Batches grid:
Please note: the despatch date will only be displayed to users who have enabled Future dated orders on their account.
You can configure which columns are visible in your grid by clicking the Manage columns button
You can then add or remove certain columns to adjust them to your preferences.
Batch status changes
The position of the batch status column has been moved to the right of the screen and the statuses are now all marked with different colours to make them more visible and distinguishable.
Warnings are now displayed in the status column - the full description of the warning will show up when you hover over the warning icon.
To find out more details on the specific usages of the Batches page, please read the following guides:
How to process multiple orders in a batch